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a place, a vital experience.

Amazon Açaí Lodge

Located very close to the Amacayacú National Natural Park, among Indigenous Reservations, on the banks of the imposing Amazon River, we truly feel in the heart of the Amazon basin.amazonTOçaí Lodge is perfect for travelers looking for their ideal Amazon experience, regardless of whether you are a child or over sixty years old. A Lodge in the heart of the rainforest, where everyone will find something to remember. 

How to get to Amazon Açaí Lodge?

Leticia is the starting point for all experiences and adventures with Amazon Açaí Lodge in the Colombian Amazon. Come and discover with us the bio-diversity and cultural diversity of the Amazon.

Air Route to Leticia
Although no road connects Leticia with the interior of Colombia, it is easily accessible by air, with daily flights from Bogotá on LAN Colombia and Avianca. Arriving at the Alfredo Vásquez Cobo International Airport in Leticia with a flight duration of one hour and forty-five minutes.


River Route to Leticia

You can reach Leticia from Iquitos (Peru) by the great river. There are two main modalities: The rapids and the breaks. In a rapid, from Iquitos you can reach Leticia in around twelve hours and in recreation 2 nights/1 day.

To Leticia from Manaus the trip will last around thirty-six hours by speedboat and 5 days by pleasure boat.


River route from Leticia to Amazon Açaí Lodge

Amazon Açaí Lodge is located on the route to Puerto Nariño and the Amacayacu National Park. From the Alfredo Vasquez Cobo airport in Leticia to the civil port it is 5 minutes by taxi. In the civil port you can take a public or private service boat for an hour and a half upstream to reach our Lodge.


The climate of the Amazon is characterized by high temperatures and frequent rains. The region is located throughout the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The months from December to May present the highest rainfall values, with a monomodal rainfall regime; The relative humidity of the air is high and the barometric pressure is low.

The temperature does not vary greatly throughout the year, as it has a constant average of 28.4 ºC, which ranges between a maximum average of 32.0 ºC and a minimum average of 25.5 ºC. Precipitation varies between 3,000 mm per year.

Amazon river level

The level of the Amazon River varies throughout the year, markedly we have two seasons of high water and low water with differences of 10 to 12 meters between the two seasons and in extreme floods of up to 14 meters. Precipitation in the basin and melting snow in the Andes add water to the tributaries of the Amazon, the melting of water increases the level of the great river, and during the months of November to March (rising waters) the landscape of islands and The banks of the Amazon River and the entire alluvial plain are flooded and remain flooded during the months of April and May (high waters) then the rains stop, there is less precipitation and the level of the river drops (receding waters) exposing the islands and the sand terraces along the river and its tributaries, during the months of August and October (low water), in the dry season, beaches are formed, worth appreciating and enjoying.

Amazon Açaí Lodge
Cabañas de Amazon Açaí Lodge
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